Thursday 21 March 2013

33 days...

In 33 days I will finally be beginning the biggest adventure of my life. Since I was a little kid I have dreamed of travelling overseas, Europe being the place I wanted to visit the most. I would lay awake at night imagining running away to Paris someday, leaving everything behind and starting fresh with a new identity. I had the idea that being in a new place meant I could be whomever I wanted to. So, naturally now that the time has come for me to take this massive step I need to figure out who I want to be - the obvious choice being Beyonce.

On the 23rd of April at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I will be nervously entering the plane to make my first ever international flight. The only plane I've been on was a tiny Jetstar one which flew me from Newcastle to Melbourne so I really don't know what to expect. My plan is to drug myself silly with some sleeping tablets, drink some wine and sleep the entire way to Abu Dhabi, but knowing me the trip will just turn into a scene from bridesmaids - which I'm fine with. I'll be calling all the flight attendants "Stove" anyway, regardless of whether I'm sober or paralytic.

Leaving my family and friends will be hard but I'm so grateful that I have my three best friends, Kaylee, Jess and Jesse, to support me while I'm over there. Lesbi-honest, we all know that without someone holding my hand I'm going to end up working in the Red Light District in Amsterdam or the Russian Mafia. But hey, as long as I have enough money for food and alcohol I'll be happy, and I'm sure the Mafia has better working conditions than Telstra.

I'm eagerly counting down the days until I can wake up in Brisighella, drop it like it's never been dropped before in Munich, and show the London boys how us Aussie gays... make tea. But for now I'm just going through the motions, spending my days day dreaming and subtly slipping my plans into conversations. "I'm moving to London", "Wanna see the mansion I'm staying at in Italy?" and, my personal favourite, "Wow. You must be so jealous of my life" are dropped daily around the office.

Time to sleep. When I wake up it will be 32 days...