So let's go back to after I left Berlin...
Kaylee and I once again caught a bus all the way down to Munich - or Munchen as it's apparently called, don't even get me started on how confused that made me. We were met at the station by the lovely Laura, our Italian/German friend (now Kaylee's girlfriend) who drove us in her teeny tiny mini cooper to her apartment in central Munich. We made this our home for the next 6 days.
I found Munich to be really beautiful. There was a park about a ten minute walk from Laura's where everyone seemed to go and relax with their babies and puppies and I was just convulsing at all the cuties. It was great.
One night we went out with a few of Laura's friends and, I'm not going to lie, I was pretty white girl wasted. I may have drank an entire bottle of red wine whilst watching Hairspray but no judgement please! Ruth was staying with us at this point so we'll just say that she was a bad influence. So we went out to a pretty cool club, though it was anything but. I think it was called Sauna... If not it should have been because it was sooooo hot! I lost about 2 kg's just from sweating. But we all had an amazing time.
Munich was great because we all were able to relax and there was no pressure to do as much as we could during the day. I slept a lot.

After our stay we farewelled Ruth who would soon return to Australia for six weeks or so and hit the road. Destination: Italy. I think it took us about five or six hours to reach Brisghella, making a pit stop in Verona to see Juliet's Balcony and to indulge in some Gelato. Now, I think I've bragged to enough of you about where we were to be staying in Italy but let me just say this... You all should be jealous. We stayed in a freaking castle that was built in 1074! It was amazing and I am so lucky to have such great and beautiful connections. Shout out to my girl, Laura.
The next five days we were joined by various friends, I think there was about 12 of us at one point, and all we did was drink wine, eat cheese and tan by the pool. I became fairly lethargic at this point, I'm not sure if it was because I was just so relaxed or if it had something to do with my vegetarian diet but I slept a lot. Shock horror. Regardless I had a great time, I met some lovely people and definitely saw a part of Italy that was hours from the Touristy places. I highly recommend getting off the beaten track and staying in a village in the countryside.

The next place I visited was Florence and it was here I began my solo travels. After saying goodbye to Kaylee, Laura and the gang I nervously made my way to the hostel. The owner spoke very little English so it was an interesting experience. I was placed in a room with two other people and my bed was just a stretcher bed that I would use when I would go camping with my parents. I should not have been surprised, after all I only paid 16 euros I think.
The next two days I just wandered aimlessly around the city. I probably spent about 9 hours each day just walking. I definitely saw all the sites and hopefully lost some weight doing it.
The highlight of Florence was definitely seeing the statue of David. I did have to wait in line for about an hour and a half but it was worth it. I was in such awe of the masterpiece, I must have spent at least half an hour overall just standing and taking it all in. It was much bigger then I was expecting as well. I was wandering around the museum and I turned and this giant naked man is suddenly in front of me. It was a dream come true...
The next day I left Florence, happily I might add because I was craving some English conversation with people and Italian's didn't seem to be the strongest English speakers, at least in that area. Around lunchtime I caught the train to Bologna to meet up with a friend from high school who has lived there for about a year I think he said.
The train station was a little confusing, maybe because I was tired and overwhelmed but it was a trial. A man was standing next to the ticket machine and did it all for me but when it came to paying and giving my change back he kept like 3 euro's for himself. Rude. But by this point I just needed to get on the damn train. Also, tickets come with a seat number so you can't just sit in any old seat. I did this, luckily no one said anything. The old man next to me was probably disappointed that he didn't get a window seat but shoot grandpa it's my holiday.
So I'm going to leave this post here as True Blood has downloaded and it obviously takes priority.