Thursday 25 April 2013

Sunny London

Hello all!

So, I made it! London is amazing, I really can't say anything more than that. I love it. I feel so at home and I've only been here for 2 days. I still can't believe it.

I'm proud that I came here all by myself, it was an interesting trip. The airport wasn't as busy and confusing as I was expecting and I managed to get through quite quick and easily. After 26 hours of traveling I was finally greeted at Heathrow by Kaylee and Laura, K almost jumped out of her skin when she saw me. It's so nice to be back with my bestfriend, 6 weeks apart was far too long.

From there I caught the Tube for the very first time and it was amazing, purely because it's the tube. Whizzing past so many stereotypical British houses got me so excited. I couldn't contain myself and kept squealing like a little school girl. We finally arrived at the Regent Park station and continued to walk 5 minutes to K and L's apartment in Oxford.

After standing in the shower for what seemed like hours and prettifying myself we headed out to the City. We found a gorgeous pub that looked like it was older than Australia and enjoyed a big vegetarian breakfast, with a vodka orange of course as I was still on Australian time.

We spent the next few hours wandering around Oxford and Trafalgar Square, moving from pub to pub and enjoying the sites (and attractive people). Eventually we dragged ourselves back home and had a 3 hour nap.

Once I managed to start functioning again I packed a light bag and ventured out on my own. I hopped on the tube and headed to Leytonstone to meet up with Taize. After about 25 minutes I finally arrived and was greeted by him as I headed out of the station. We went straight to his house where I was introduced to his housemates (he has 7) and the predrinking began. At about midnight we headed to Tottenham Court to go to the G-A-Y Late club where we drank many, many drinks that were only 1.70 pounds (that's about $2.50). After dancing for hours and "meeting" people we left at about 4am and caught a night bus back to Leytonstone.

This morning I woke up extremely hungover and ready to go again. By 12 o'clock Taize and I arrived at Kaylee's and Laura's place and by 12.30 we were at a pub drinking again. It's now 5.37pm, there's a vodka and tonic next to me and we're waiting for Taize to finish work and for Jess and Jesse (who arrived this morning) to get ready so we can continue our adventures in London. Tonight we're planning to head to Heaven, apparently one of the more popular gay bars here.

Happy ANZAC Day everyone! And cheers to my Pop, we all raised our drinks to you earlier :)


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